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Saturday, February 27, 2010

इन थे Beginning

All men are here on earth to gain experiences, through varied interactions between man and man on the one hand, and man and creation, which includes forces and laws existing in Creation. Every experience could be beneficial or not, according to how man reacts or adapts to it.

One interesting thing to note in all these is that man 'cannot not experience'. THis sounds like a tongue twister. But it simply seeks to let us know that we, you and I, cannot suspend our experiencing for a single second, and only jump start again at will, when we desire. For example, whether you like it or not, depending on which part of the globe you habit, rain would fall, and flood the environment. The fact that rain fell, would bring about growth of grasses and trees. Or, it could be snow falls. When it does occur, it may keep you indoors, and you could develop cold related ailments.

So, in effect, these experiences and more, must come our way. The way we react to them, determines what wealth of wisdom we have gained from them.Even reading this piece of article, is an experience to the reader. What he or she makes of it, then forms the foundation for wise existence.