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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can The Dead Avenge?


This is a very instructive question, especially on the backdrop of many politically motivated assassinations and other senseless killings recorded in our society. Would the victims die in vain? And would the perpetrators go scot free? What if the killers are found and punished by the earthly courts, would that be sufficient to assuage the anger and hurt of the victim; the dead?

In some cultures it is even known that certain weapons of vengeance, such as guns, machetes, sticks, etc, are put in the coffins while burying such a deceased person, with the hope that he shall use them to avenge against those that killed him.

The first point to establish is the fact that in reality no human being dies; each person as a spiritual being is immortal and exists either here on earth, in flesh and blood, or in the beyond, as a departed soul. Such a soul in the beyond has the capacity to express wishes and influence things through its spiritual volition. In expressing its spiritual volition it can turn attention on those who hurt him one way of the other, and can affect such people’s ethereal and spiritual environment; bringing them much discomfort and uneasiness. This is one reason the evil man is always unsettled and does not know any peace; because thoughts of hate, vengeance and revenge often assail him from all corners from his victims.

It will be very wrong however, and indeed is spiritually harmful, for a soul in the beyond to exist and carry on with the volition of avenging against those living on earth, no matter what they may have done to the soul. Such vengeful heart would prevent the soul from making any more spiritual progress; and would rather create a barrier and bind it to those against whom it seeks to avenge.

In this entanglement, those who expressed strong volition in encouraging the departed soul to avenge would also be adversely affected spiritually, the same way accomplices to a criminal act are treated on earth. The chain binding the one seeking to avenge with those he wants to avenge against could last many years and decades, and could even force the departed one to experience another earthly incarnation, where he will then come face to face with the person or persons, and go through bitter quarrelling, conflicts and hostility, often without knowing the basis of such mutual antagonism. In all these, vital opportunity for spiritual progress would be wasted, and new karmic threads may even be knotted to further hamper the persons.

The way out is to always endeavour to fully forgive everyone who has hurt us one way or the other; and to do this as quickly as the circumstance permits, but definitely to try and forgive all before we depart the flesh. In the case where the person did not have the opportunity to forgive while in flesh, a disposition of love and faithful trust in the manifest justice of the Laws of Creation would help the departed release all who may have hurt him. In that forgiveness and release, lies also spiritual freedom which he receives from Creation, and can then move along his part towards continued spiritual development and maturity.

On the other hand, the perpetrators of the ugly acts will certainly be compensated according to the nature of their acts by the irrevocable and just Laws of Creation; irrespective of what the earthly courts may have ruled. The Laws of Creation judge minutely and bring to everyone ample harvests from his deeds which he sowed into creation through his thoughts, words and actions; and he must taste of them. No one can escape the effects of Divine justice.

IkeChukwu Unegbe

Friday, October 22, 2010

The World Owes You Nothing

This title simply popped out from a lively conversation I was having with some friends in the beautifully preserved grounds of Grailland, Iju Hills, Lagos Nigeria; and immediately it struck a chord within my being that this is one aspect of knowledge humanity needs now. I say so because wherever you look, there is this steady clamour or protestation, especially in the so called advanced countries of the world, for what the protesters feel they ought to be given, ‘as of right’ from their government, society, family, etc. Sometimes violence is employed to ‘drive home’ the point. When one need is met, another arises immediately, seeking also to be met.

The protester sees himself as the responsibility of the other person or authority. As a child, he is the responsibility of his parents; and they must cater for every need of his, and must even take care of him as an adult, putting aside sufficient personal earnings and assets to take care of him. Where his parents stopped, the community, government and the world at large, must take over. Some governments also must give scholarships for studies, or they will be voted out. He goes about with the mindset that the world owes him something.

Does the world owe you anything? What, if one may ask? Well, it could be argued that the world owes you habitation space, and enough room for the pursuit and realisation of your lofty dreams in life. But haven’t these already been afforded you?

You are already born into a world where the omnipotence and omniscience of The Creator has provided us a natural order which ensures that you have abundance of water, land, air and fire; being the four basic elements of Nature. This abundance is of such immeasurable description that no one individual or a people can exhaust it. We are also all born with certain unique intrinsic ability or talent; each person so unique and different in his/her endowment that no one can complain of not being considered. Of the billions of human beings on earth, no two are the same up to the minutest detail of the finger prints. This is also how each person’s potential or talent is uniquely different from the next person. The good news is that creation and our world are programmed to accommodate all of these individual aspirations.

With such monumental opportunities, it then becomes a ridiculous reality to see persons carrying on with the attitude and conduct suggesting that the world owes them something. Usually they also convey this in their personal relationships, where always their focus is on what they stand to gain and receive rather than what they intend to give or offer. Many wars are fought, and many relationships aborted mainly because the parties were only interested in ‘taking’, ‘taking’ and ‘taking’. Indeed I recall the saying that ‘you will never see a quarrel which originated because a person wanted to give something of value to another; all wars only arise from seeking to take and take’.

The world and mother earth owe us nothing. All that we need from her have already been offered us in abundance. We only need to explore, exploit and utilise these resources to the utmost of our ability. Our parents also only need to guide us through child growth and development; and also give us good education. Thereafter, as adolescent youth, each person should look inwards and harness the innate potentials he or she possesses.

Where the opportunity for scholarships is given, such should be taken with an attitude of gratitude and a readiness to give or do something in return, after the studies to create a necessary balance.

All remarkable achievements that moved mankind to great heights were originated by individual persons and not necessarily government or group of persons. It took an individual to give us electricity, motor car, telephone, and the computer, to mention just these few. If these persons had waited for government or for the world to come to a unanimous decision and action, we probably would not have these milestone discoveries today.

Creation is ordered through the Will of The Almighty God in such a way that it gives of its abundance and blessings to those who give something in exchange. This is called the spiritual law of ‘sowing and reaping’. To those who are able to sow in terms of personal efforts in life, creation usually gives back to them in multiples of harvests. Those who only desire to take and receive, usually end up in misery and poverty. They are defying the law of balance in nature, and therefore usually end up heartbroken and in eventual penury.

We have to change the perception of expectations from the world, to voluntary and joyful giving of ourselves and our talents. There is also no one who is so poor that he or she has nothing to give to others and to his environment. It could be wise counselling, personal participation, and financial support, if necessary. That way we shall trigger into action the perfect Divine mechanism of release of blessings. We would then also be participating in the expansion of world space and human achievements. I wish you the inner joy of fulfilment.

IkeChukwu Unegbe

Friday, October 15, 2010


We all are living in very challenging times of severity. It is as if nothing is stable anymore. Organisations, institutions, human communities, personal ambitions; all are under intense wave of power, which is clearly perceptible.

On the economic front, it is called 'economic depression', and on the general social front, it is called 'instability and uncertainty', and on the spiritual front it comes with a certain 'inner restlessness'- inducing further seeking. In all of these, man finds that it does appear his earlier 'settled' solutions to issues, no longer suffice and do not satisfy the demands of the new situations. Government efforts remain piece work, and estimations fall short of expectations.

In the end, confusion reigns and man finds himself in a certain quagmire. What then should be done? It is said that if you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is to stop digging. How can modern man stop digging in the fashion that has brought him economic depressions, instability and uncertainty, and above all, inner restlessness.

That is when the need for inner re-kitting comes into focus. Every situation that man goes through started its origin deep down in the inner recesses of man's thoughts, and eventually became outward deeds shaping his circumstances, and thereby his destiny. It is the collective thoughts of men that become the living realities of a nation and her peoples.

The origin of economic recessession for instance, is first and foremost traceable to the fact that man has embraced greed in different ways. He wants to reap before sowing, and where he sows, he would rather want to reap far too great profitability, not minding whose ox is gored. Governments, instead of being institutions and structures for mutual benefit to citizens, have become corrupt profiteering centers.

Religions which ought to yield to the spiritual yearnings and aspirtations of man, now exist purely for earthly domination, power and influence; and its leaders seeing it as avenues for money making and attainment of personal fame.

In the end, therefore, man has become his own greatest enemy. His search for solutions, must then start also from within himslef. It is himself that he must rekit.

It is a spiritual process of seeking for higher enlightenment, and resolving to change. Everything today seems to be standing on faulty pedestals. People talk of unemployment, and in doing so, are looking up to a certain Government insititution that 'must' cater for them, and they need really do nothing on their part. Many remain on social security perpetually, without seeking to give something back to the society as a way of striking some necessary balance between 'taking' and 'giving'.

The spiritual law is that wherever there is an imbalance between taking and giving, collapse must follow. It is in this way that we all must change, so that abundance and inner awakening may then dawn.

I wish you inner joy which comes through greater recognitions.
