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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Can The Dead Avenge?


This is a very instructive question, especially on the backdrop of many politically motivated assassinations and other senseless killings recorded in our society. Would the victims die in vain? And would the perpetrators go scot free? What if the killers are found and punished by the earthly courts, would that be sufficient to assuage the anger and hurt of the victim; the dead?

In some cultures it is even known that certain weapons of vengeance, such as guns, machetes, sticks, etc, are put in the coffins while burying such a deceased person, with the hope that he shall use them to avenge against those that killed him.

The first point to establish is the fact that in reality no human being dies; each person as a spiritual being is immortal and exists either here on earth, in flesh and blood, or in the beyond, as a departed soul. Such a soul in the beyond has the capacity to express wishes and influence things through its spiritual volition. In expressing its spiritual volition it can turn attention on those who hurt him one way of the other, and can affect such people’s ethereal and spiritual environment; bringing them much discomfort and uneasiness. This is one reason the evil man is always unsettled and does not know any peace; because thoughts of hate, vengeance and revenge often assail him from all corners from his victims.

It will be very wrong however, and indeed is spiritually harmful, for a soul in the beyond to exist and carry on with the volition of avenging against those living on earth, no matter what they may have done to the soul. Such vengeful heart would prevent the soul from making any more spiritual progress; and would rather create a barrier and bind it to those against whom it seeks to avenge.

In this entanglement, those who expressed strong volition in encouraging the departed soul to avenge would also be adversely affected spiritually, the same way accomplices to a criminal act are treated on earth. The chain binding the one seeking to avenge with those he wants to avenge against could last many years and decades, and could even force the departed one to experience another earthly incarnation, where he will then come face to face with the person or persons, and go through bitter quarrelling, conflicts and hostility, often without knowing the basis of such mutual antagonism. In all these, vital opportunity for spiritual progress would be wasted, and new karmic threads may even be knotted to further hamper the persons.

The way out is to always endeavour to fully forgive everyone who has hurt us one way or the other; and to do this as quickly as the circumstance permits, but definitely to try and forgive all before we depart the flesh. In the case where the person did not have the opportunity to forgive while in flesh, a disposition of love and faithful trust in the manifest justice of the Laws of Creation would help the departed release all who may have hurt him. In that forgiveness and release, lies also spiritual freedom which he receives from Creation, and can then move along his part towards continued spiritual development and maturity.

On the other hand, the perpetrators of the ugly acts will certainly be compensated according to the nature of their acts by the irrevocable and just Laws of Creation; irrespective of what the earthly courts may have ruled. The Laws of Creation judge minutely and bring to everyone ample harvests from his deeds which he sowed into creation through his thoughts, words and actions; and he must taste of them. No one can escape the effects of Divine justice.

IkeChukwu Unegbe

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