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Friday, March 12, 2010


Is it not amazing how many of us strive to achieve success, and yet many are unwilling to do what it takes! Success is a function or, let us say, a product of successive actions carried out in a particular direction.

The first challenge is to determine in what direction to channel these actions. Often you are told to follow the tracks hewn by successful people, as you cannot reinvent the wheel. This method may help a little, atleast it will help you avoid the mistakes others may have made. But I learnt long ago that mistakes also have their value and benefits.

In some situations, your best guide, indeed in all situations, is your intuition. It is that inner voice, which simply tells you what to do, and never explains why. You have noticed this when you met a new acquaintance; and then 'something'in you told you to be careful about this person. It could also happen when you about to close a deal. Always watch out for what your intuition is saying to you. Often it will guide you towards your passion and help you succeed.

I wish you success always.

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