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Thursday, April 1, 2010


Easter should become a symbolical moment for each one of us to re-dedicate him or herself to personal growth and development. This starts inwardly first. It matters not how many Easters, drinks and food are shared during the festivities; rather what matters is how much of inner resolve one is able to make on the path of rising above petty weaknesses, and sometimes very challenging propensities.

These weaknesses and propensities are what eventually become like cogs in the personal wheel of progress. They will affect ones business, career, vocation, and ultimately, ones personality. Indeed, the things that destroy and checkmate man's success come more from inside man than from outside.

As Easter is celebrated again on earth therefore, it should also be a moment for each one to resolve to also awaken more the virtues and great potentials lying dormant within. It takes inner discipline and resolve. It takes an understanding of the laws of success in Creation which says that "as you sow, so shall you reap". This law is not a religious object, but a life support instrument which is relevant in business, family and in society generally.

With these thoughts I wish you all a wonderful Easter.

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